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发表于 2021-5-19 10:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. 单选题目前主要出现在听力的p art2以及p art3部分
  2. p art2的听力形式是一个人的独白, 而p art3是2~3个人的对话(有男女的区分)
  21. Why is Jack interested in investigating seed germination?
  A.He may do a module on a related topic later on.
  B.He wants to have a career in plant Science.
  C.He is thinking of choosing this topic for his dissertation.
  26. Why is Hiroko feeling more positive about tutorials now?
  A.She finds the other students’ opinions more interesting.
  B.She is making more of a contribution.
  C.The tutor includes her in the discussion.
  21.Why is Jack interested in investigating seed germination?
  A.He may do a module on a related topic later on.
  B.He wants to have a career in plant Science.
  C.He is thinking of choosing this topic for his dissertation.
  Emma:OK. Any p articular reason? I know you're hoping to work in plant science(B) eventually ...
  Jack:Yeah, but practically everything we do is going to feed into that. No, there’s an optional module on seed structure and function in the third year that l might do. so I thought it might be useful for that. (A)If I choose that option, I don’t have to do a dissertation module.
  在跟答--案句接近的位置题目中的另一个人Emma(女)提到了plant science(B选项),而由Jack(男)所给出的正确答--案是A.
  23.Stewart expects that in the future libraries will
  A maintain their traditional function.
  B become centres for local communities.
  C no longer contain any books.
  Trudie: Mm. I expect that libraries will go on evolving in the next few years. Some have already become centres where community (B)activities take place, like local clubs meeting there. I think that'll become even more common.
  Stewart: I'd like to think so, and that they'll still be serving their traditional function, but I’m not so sure. There are financial implications, after all. What I'm afraid will happen is that books and magazines will all disappear, and there'll just be rows and rows of computers.(C) They won't look anything like the libraries we're used to.
  在雅思听力p art3中,有一部分题目专门询问两个人共同的观点,比较典型的特点就是题目中会出现agree,比如:
  24.Trevor and Stephanie agree that comics
  A. are inferior to books.
  B. have the potential for being useful.
  C. discourage children from using their imagination.
  22.Jack and Emma agree the main advantage of their present experiment is that it can be
  A. described very easily.
  B. carried out inside the laboratory.
  C. completed in the time available.
  22.They agree that one disadvantage of free digitalised books is that
  A they may take a long time to read.
  B they can be difficult to read.
  C they are generally old.
  题目中两个人对于digitalised books进行了讨论,两个人同意它的缺点是什么,原文如下:
  Stewart:But the digitalised books that are available online for free are mostly out of copyright, aren't they? And copyright in this country lasts for 70 years after the author dies. So you won't find the latest best-seller or up-to-date information(C).
  Trudie: That’s an important point. Anyway, I find it hard to concentrate when I'm reading a long text on a screen. I'd much rather read a physical book. And it takes longer to read on a screen(A).
  Stewart: Oh, I prefer it. I suppose it's just a personal preference.
  首先男生Stewart提出了digitalised books的缺点便是大多都过时,找不到比较新的版本(即题目中C选项),此时他的同伴Trudie赞同了他的观点(That’s an important p art),所以可以确定答--案C。但是原文中依然出现了干扰选项,我们完全可以通过Stewart的回答看出,他并没有同意,而是觉得是个人喜好。当我们听到某个选项信息的时候,一定要注意另一个人的态度,往往表达同意这句话的前面便是答--案。
  24.They agree that Graves' book on seed germination is disappointing because
  A. it fails to cover recent advances in seed science.
  B. the content is irrelevant for them.
  C. its focus is very theoretical.
  Emma:  The one by Graves? I looked through it for my last experiment, though it wasn't all that relevant(B) there. It would be for this experiment, though. I found it quite hard to follow , lots about the theory(C), which I hadn’t expected.
  Jack:Yes, I’d been hoping for something more practical.
  答--案中Emma首先提到了not all that relevant,对应到了题目中的B选项(干扰),但是在这句话后面并没有另一个人的观点,而是出现了另一个观点C(lots about the theory),而Jack立刻给出了yes表示同意,所以这个题目选C。
  21.Russ says that his difficulty in planning the presentation  is due to
  A. his lack of knowledge about the topic.
  B. his uncertainty about what he should try to achieve.
  C. the short time that he has for prep aration.
  11.What change in the road network is known to have benefited the town most?
  A. the construction of a byp ass
  B. the development of cycle p aths
  C. the banning of cars from certain streets
  11.According to the manager, what do most people like about the job of kitchen assistant?
  A. the variety of work
  B. the friendly atmosphere
  C. the opportunities for promotion
  OK, they might get shouted at sometimes, but it’s nothing personal, and they're pleased that they have so many different things to do. which means they never get bored.
  pleased替换了like,而后面表达的so many different things to do 恰好就是A选项, 所以正确答--案是A.
  我们再看一道包含“坏”感情的题目,这道题目源自剑桥13Test1Section2 12题:
  12.In a survey, local residents p articularly complained about
  A. dangerous driving by p arents.
  B. pollution from trucks and lorries.
  C. inconvenience from p arked cars.
  People were very concerned about the jack of visibility on some roads due to cars p arked along the sides of the roads.
  1. p art3题目标注好男女,听题量会自动减半,利用男女排除错误答--案。
  2. 题干出现agree,先定位观点,后注意观点后对方的态度,同意之前就是答--案。
  3. 找到题干中的感情词就会找到答--案句,但是感情词会被替换。



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