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《风荷情》——摄影师刘祖凯作品 [复制链接]

2021-04-27 14:23

浏览:4267 回复:6
Liu Zukai, an associate professor, a master in literature, a senior photographer, and a Chinese literature and photography teacher at Changzhou Vocational and Technical College of Textile and Apparel. He is also a member of the Changzhou Hongmei Photographers Association.
Work Appreciation
Lotus Love
荷风太极 2019年8月在常州淹城晨拍,偶遇到一群晨练太极的人,荷塘边里赏花打拳。荷香沁脾,人民健康则国强。
Tai Chi by Lotus Photographed in August 2019 at Yancheng, Changzhou, I met a group of people practicing Tai Chi in the morning, enjoying flowers and exercising in the lotus pond. The fragrance of lotus refreshes the spleen, the health of the people makes the country strong.
荷莲(恋)一生 常州淹城荷塘中,两朵荷花长成莲蓬,像一对男女,相恋相依,风雨相守,相爱一生。
Lotus(love) a Lifetime Two lotus flowers grow into lotus seed in a pond in Yancheng, like a pair of couple, loving and staying by the side of each other.
荷香书香 20190705在常州淹城晨拍,偶然发现一个少年带着语文书跟父母到荷塘边赏花,自觉坐下来,翻开书读起了荷花的诗歌。荷香浸润书香,少年强则国强。
The Scent of Lotus, the Scent of Book Photographed on July 5th, 2019 in the morning, I occasionally met a boy who brought a Chinese textbook while viewing flowers with his parents. He consciously sits down and chants poems about lotus. The scent of lotus infiltrates into the book, the stronger the youth the more powerful the country.
荷香写意 荷花飘香,静静亭立于水之中央,母女陶醉在画荷之中。
Lotus Freehand Lotus fragrance flows, quietly drawing in the middle of the water, the mother and daughter is enchanted into the flowers.
一曲荷香 汉服少年笛声悠扬,吹皱一池荷香。
A Song for Lotus The juvenile in traditional Han custom's bamboo flute sound wrinkle a pond of lotus.
Fighting the Pandemic
春秋战“疫” 2020年4月,春和景明,中国常州淹城春秋乐园,战“疫”复园,演艺迎客。早晨《祈福大典》,所有演员戴口罩倾情演出,淹王舞剑战“疫”,为游客和市民祈福,祈祝国泰民安!
Chun Qiu War(pandemic) April 2020, spring arrived, the temperature rose, the sun shines. The Chun Qiu Park revives with visitors and performances. In the morning "Blessing Ceremony" was shown by all actors with masks enthusiastically. King Yanwang sword-fights with the virus, blessing tourists and citizens good luck, pray for the peace of the country.
非常包车 疫情期间,出行受限,奶奶带着孙女,坐上了雕塑黄包车。
Special Ride Travelling was limited during the pandemic so the grandmother boarded a rickshaw statue with her granddaughter.
记录美丽 一位老人用手机拍下美女战疫情、献真情、送希望的快乐恰恰舞。
Recording Beauty An elderly takes a photo of beautiful women dancing the Cha Cha that give love, fight the virus, and send hope.
舞动春风 2020年4月,中国春秋淹城,孔子像前,儒雅凤舞,迎接游客。
Incite Spring Breeze In front of the statue of Confucius in Yancheng, China, dancers elegantly make the moves to welcome tourists.
舞女飞天 夜色阑珊,淹城夜公园飞天舞蹈精彩上演。
Dancing Girl Flying While the night is waning, the dance is still staged wonderfully
Chinese Style
财神拜年 中国义乌乡村民俗,敲锣鼓,提灯笼,抬着财神走村串户去拜年。
God of Wealth Prays for a Good Year Yiwu tradition: beat the gong, lift the lantern, holding God of Wealth to each family, and pray.
火龙舞女 中国佤族的祈福习俗,小伙子喷火成龙,收火成舞女,漂亮奇绝。
Fire Woman In the praying tradition of Wa people, the man spits fire in a form of a dragon and then drags into a dancing woman, beautiful and amazing.
老街面人 捏面人是中国传统的手艺,街头捏面塑像,栩栩如生。
Flour Man Making small characters with flour is a traditional craft, the figures made on the streets are vivid as alive
牵猪赶集 牵猪赶集是中国的民间习俗,如今成了街头雕塑,成了爷孙玩乐的坐骑。
Go to the Market with the Pig It is a folk tradition of going to the market with a big. Now it became a statue and rode by the grandfather and child.
雄狮腾跃 中国过年习俗,舞狮子,高空腾跃。
Lion Jumps High Lion dance is a Chinese tradition during the new year.

整理/ Organize:Lisa
编译/Celine & Louis
审核/ Cindy & Mary
制作/ Produce:AIPU



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